Monday, May 16, 2011

Google AppScript URLFetch and Spreasheet Example to Extract Information

Code which pulled all information through urlfetch and load it to spreadsheet.
Simple and cute.

function AddViewCount()
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var prevcount = sheet.getRange(2, 8).getValue();
  prevcount = prevcount + 1;
  sheet.getRange(2, 8).setValue(prevcount);

function CollectAllElectionDetails() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();  
  var consttotalcount = 234;
  var rowcount = 1;
  for(var constcount = 1; constcount <= consttotalcount; constcount++)
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("" + constcount + ".htm");
  var xmldoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), true);
  var root = xmldoc.getElement(); 
  var child1 = root.getElements();
  var bodychilds = child1[1].getElements();
  var bodychilds1 = bodychilds[0].getElements(); 
  var bodychilds11 = bodychilds1[1].getElements();
  var bodychilds111 = bodychilds11[0].getElements();  
  var contestants = bodychilds111[4].getElements();
  var contestantdetails = contestants[0].getElements();
  var call1 = contestantdetails[3].getElements();
  var call11 = call1[1].getElements();
  var call111 = call11[0].getElements("table");
  var cleardetails = Xml.parse(call111[0].toXmlString(), false);
  var rowinfo =
  var rowinfo1 =  rowinfo[0].getElements("tr");   
  var constname = rowinfo1[0].td.getText().replace("Tamil Nadu - ","");
  var totalcandidates = rowinfo1.length - 3;
  for(var count=0; count < totalcandidates; count++ )
    var candiname = rowinfo1[count+3].td[0].getText();
    var partyname = rowinfo1[count+3].td[1].getText();
    var totalvotes = rowinfo1[count+3].td[2].getText();
    sheet.getRange(rowcount+1, 1).setValue(constcount);
    sheet.getRange(rowcount+1, 2).setValue(constname);
    sheet.getRange(rowcount+1, 3).setValue(candiname);
    sheet.getRange(rowcount+1, 4).setValue(partyname);
    sheet.getRange(rowcount+1, 5).setValue(totalvotes);


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