Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Convert header file tree to source file tree - Shell Script

It is usual practice to write header files first and then the source code. We usually need to go back an forth to get the header file name to start to go with the coding for enterprise projects.

Using the following command, you can convert the header tree to source tree.

find ./include -ls | awk '{print($3,$11);}' | cut -c1,11- | awk '{print($2,$1)}' | sed -e 's/^\.\/include//g' | awk '{if( $2 != "" ) print($1,$2);}' | awk '{if($2 == "d") printf("\"mkdir -p ./src%s\"\n",$1); else{ sub(/\.h$/,".cpp",$1); printf("\"touch ./src%s\"\n",$1);}}' | xargs | /bin/sh

replace .cpp with the extension you want.

It looks like

|------- dir2

|------------ file.cpp

All header files will replaced with their equivalent name in .c or .cpp with the extension you supply in the command.


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